End Of The Century 2003 Torrent

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Dec 20, 2002  End of the Century: The Story of The Ramones is a film released in 2003 and directed by Jim Fields, Michael Gramaglia.The runtime of End of the Century: The Story of The Ramones is 110 minutes (01 hours 50 minutes). For 1980’s End of the Century, the Ramones abandoned their tough, fast and loud dynamic to work with Phil Spector. His final production credits came on a 2003 Starsailor album, and that same. Nov 27, 2004  Directed by Jim Fields, Michael Gramaglia. Hex rays plw google classroom. With Rick Rubin, Tommy Ramone, Dee Dee Ramone, Johnny Ramone. The story of the punk rock band The Ramones. End of the Century: The Story of the Ramones (2003) Tulsa Project Theatre presents the regional premiere of this true story of the Ramones as they record their 5th album, End of the Century, with the infamous record producer Phil Spector.

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At the least, for Ramones fans, it's more informative and entertaining than 'We're Outta Here!'
Quinoa19844 September 2004
There are two groups of people that will go see this film, and I can recommend the film to both groups on different reasons, though one group will more than likely out-weight the other. For the punk-rock or hard rock fan, The Ramones mean a lot even before walking into the theater. In their arena they have, at last perhaps, elevated to the level of The Beatles for their style of music- they gave hope and aspirations for millions of kids all across the world who felt down in the dumps in their life, or maybe just wanted to learn how to play rock and roll without having to flip through a Led Zeppelin notebook. And unlike England's punk scene (and other facets of the NY punk scene of the 70's), as the film shows, they never restricted themselves to writing songs about politics and hardcore societal issues (though they did sometimes). A lot of their best songs were love songs (some of them ironic 'I don't wanna walk around with you', some kinda sweet 'I wanna be your boyfriend'), and wrote enough pop tunes for three bands. They were real, they were raw, and for the fan of the Ramones who may know a lot about them or may be more or less just a casual observer with one or two CD's, the revelations and tales about Joey, Johnny, Dee-Dee, Tommy, Marky, CJ, etc., it's life. Often very funny, as well as sad, weird, shocking, and enlightening in a way. Certainly as much of an enthralling document of rock and roll as well as the psychology.
Then for the other audience, the ones who know of the Ramones strictly from their songs being played on car commercials or in the ballpark ('Blitzkrieg Bop' and 'I wanna Be Sedated' have become hits like those The Beatles and The Stones had for their time). For the non-fans, the kind that just 'walk in' from off the streets of Manhattan or LA or wherever you see it (if you're seeing it in it's theatrical run) and just want to see a compelling and involving documentary, the film still delivers the goods. The filmmakers Jim Fields and Michael Gramaglia assemble their interview footage and concert footage in a fascinating, grunge style, with the digital look corresponding with the subject matter as being about the 'under-ground' of the times. The music selections, much like clips of speeches in a political documentary, inform the fan or non-fan on what they were like musically, and feature some of their finest live and non-live tracks ('Judy is a Punk', 'Teenage Lobotomy', 'Loudmouth', 'Mama's Boy', 'California Sun'). Now, if you go into the theater and you already don't like the Ramones, it's hard to tell if you'll be turned on to them after two hours in the dark. But one thing is for sure, is that End of the Century bravely captures a rock and roll story without pulling punches, and like The Filth and the Fury, it gets its sprawling story across in a limited time. (strong) A
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Great rocumentary, lots of fun
alexduffy200015 September 2004
'End of the Century' is a great rocumentary that's lots of fun to watch. Speaking of watches, I never looked at mine once during the entire 110 minute runtime. I regret now that I missed the Ramones on their many stops in L.A., I had always thought of them as cartoonish and eternal, some day I'd go and see them play (but they broke up before I had that chance). At least I can see them in this great rock documentary! This movie has it all, from footage in their early days to the very end, where the band is weary of the road and each other and just don't care anymore. It's fascinating to watch their story, how they start out as innovators, and end up as fossilized cartoon characters who always looked and dressed exactly the same as they did on their first album.
The Ramones' influence on rock 'n' roll and punk rock cannot be underestimated. A case could be made that Johnny Ramone is the most influential living guitar player (he is alive at the time I write this, though I know he has been battling cancer). The interviews with Johnny Ramone are great, I got the impression that the band would have fallen apart years before it did if he hadn't been in it to make it work. The movie also shows many insightful interviews with other band members and various managers and hangers-on. The impression I got was that The Ramones were a unplanned phenomenon that invented punk as we know it, even though they never achieved commercial success in the US (at least on the level they thought they deserved). This is one of the few documentaries that I've seen on the big screen that was big-screen worthy, especially the concert footage. A stunning movie about one of the greatest bands ever (think about that!).
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m0ntse26 July 2004
what a laugh I had watching this film ! It's ridiculous that a band like The Ramones haven't got a proper DVD with their videos etc etc . . . and the documentary even though hasn't got any video as such has great interviews with Dee Dee (Uber Cool he is and funny as . . .) Johnny ( never though he was such an idiot), Joey ( a darling that never said anything bad about anyone), Marky and the rest of the musicians..and Areturo Vega the designer of their logo and official Ramones website and merchandising.
The early footage from the CBGB (1970 ish) it's incredibly funny and endearing along with arguments on stage that will make you laugh till you die, they were really excellent.
I am just a fan of this band and I will always have them close to my heart for their music, their attitude, their sense of humour and above all they cheer me up when I am down and this film just made me feel even closer to them.
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Too much Ramones.
I have been a fan of the Ramones for most of my life and never realized how much I didn't want to know about them until now. I don't care about what they did before or how they met. Listening to them talk is just sad. I wish the movie would have continued after the farewell tour and covered the tour they did the next year. I would have loved to hear why they did that. But it is a good movie if you think you need this much info about the Ramones.
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Respectful Tribute
mstomaso7 May 2008
I've been a Ramones fan since the release of their first album. The first song I learned to play in 1978 when I joined my first decent punk band was 'Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue'. But I've never been the kind of fan who felt the need to know a great deal more about the bands I loved. With most of the Ramones gone, and knowing that this documentary had been well received, I decided it was time to reacquaint myself with these old friends of my youth.
Obsessive troubled shy liberal giant Joey. Laid-back easy-going drug addict Dee Dee. Angry driven tough guy neocon Johnny. Alcoholic Marky. Intelligent and over-sensitive Tommy. The core members of the Ramones could not have been more different people. To create a sense of unity, they cultivated a trademark look and gave themselves the surname Ramone. Then, in 1975, they basically invented American punk and inspired a whole generation of DIY rock and rollers. For the next 20 years, this disparate group would behave more or less as if they really were a band of brothers.
All five of the core members, and even CJ and Ricky, speak very openly about the band and their frustrations with the U.S. music industry, and there is plenty of music, including some rare early live stuff, to keep the film rolling. In addition to what the Ramones say about themselves, the film offers a very strong vision of the personalities that drove the band. Johnny comes across as honest, incredibly forceful and domineering - and the sheer volume of words he presents could leave you with the impression that he dominates the film. He does not. Dee Dee, who did not even stay with the band through the 1990s, got equal time. And even Tommy, the often absent founding drummer and later producer, might have been given equal time. Joey - never a great talker - is so quiet off-stage that he will leave you wishing for more.
This retrospective documentary is not an expose, but rather a respectful tribute. Framed around the band's induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the film spends a great deal of time discussing the band's failure (in their own eyes at least) to achieve commercial success in the U.S.A. As somebody who was involved in Punk Rock from its beginnings in the U.S., I found this surprising. After all, the Ramones had more commercial success than virtually any American punk band of their generation, and, long before they broke up, achieved the status of a legend. If anything, this more-or-less constant theme is the most monotonous aspect of the film.
The documentary is good and very much worth watching for Ramones fans. The directing, editing and cinematography are not particularly innovative, but they get the story across in a straight-forward way. The Ramones were never boring, but this documentary, at times, gets pretty close.
Highly recommended for Ramones fans. Others may wish to avoid.
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Awesome look at an awesome band.
Leatherface339 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I recently went into Red Bank, NJ for the Red Band International Film Festival, to see this film. I have seen my share of good music documentaries, and very bad music documentaries, and I have to say this this was an awesome music documentary. It told of the Ramones, the band that coined the term 'punk rock'. It had some of the best recent interviews with the Ramones, and even the last photographed interview of Clash front man Joe Strummer. It had excellent transitions, starting by showing the Ramones forming in New York and playing Stooges covers and ending with they're induction into the rock 'n' roll hall of fame and Joey and DeeDee's deaths. I learned many things I did not know, including the fact that 'the KKK took my baby away' is said to be about Johnny stealing Joey's girlfriend. I also learned that Joey and Johnny were political opposites, Joey being a liberal and Johnny being a hardcore republican. I recall it being long, but I can't remember because it was so awesome I was paying acute attention the whole time. 9 out of 10. Minus one because I will never live to see a better music documentary.
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funny and interesting
francois-d3 September 2004
This really well made documentary is finally out and it is great for all rock n roll / punk or just music fans. Not only it is very interesting about the Ramones and give them their 'pioneers of punk' status, but it is also very funny. It features all the Ramones and also Clash frontman Joe Strummer in previously unseen interviews. Almost everything you'll here in this documentary comes from the mouth of the 'actors' themselves. It shows and we can make our opinion on the band and its different members. For instance this scene where Johnny Ramones thanks god and G. Bush during the Hall of Fame ceremony is quite surprising.
This movie tells us the story of the Ramones, but in fact also the story of many other bands ..
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I Got You At The End Of The Century

Liked it a lot
I'm a fan of the Ramones, but not an hard core 'owns every LP' fan. That said - I found this doc very informative. Some of the B&W footage from CBGBs is fascinating, and the interviews with the band members were great though often conflicting. The late Dee Dee in particular is highly entertaining. The print that I saw had a fair bit of white text over sections of live footage, but my guess is that this will be removed for the final print or (hopefully) DVD. Johnny comes across as one tough-minded SOB, but I get the impression that without him the band wouldn't have functioned at all.
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This Really Tugged at my Heartstrings.
mellowinman4 November 2008
Man, when I think about that frail, tall, slightly off-kilter character, and how painful his life was, it almost breaks my heart. The only reason it doesn't is because Joey fronted the coolest punk band of all time, and he did so with such amazing style and panache. Way to overcome your limitations! Joey was a victim of pretty bad OCD, and had every reason to believe he would spend his life a loser. Well, Jeff, (his real name,) you were a winner, even if cancer took you way too young.
I heard my first Ramones album in the late seventies. It was the newly released Rocket to Russia, and at the time I had been listening to stadium rock like Kiss and Rush and the junk on the radio with this kid named Steve Hiltner at Ridgemount Jr. High School. Luckily for us, Steve had an older brother who played guitar, and he influenced us to listen to this grinding guitar based insanity that was the Ramones. MAN! When I heard 'Teenage Lobotomy' coming out over my stereo speakers, it probably changed me forever.
There was never a punk band as good as the Ramones, and this film does a great job of showing their tragic, and yet strangely inspiring story. These guys WERE SERIOUS! They really were. That's what made them so good. They wrote really great songs with really great hooks and melodies and lyrics, and yet they did it with three or four chords and snappy 4/4 drumming that varied little from song to song. The old 'idiot savant' label could easily apply to their lack of musical sophistication coupled with such excellent natural artistry. Everyone needs to see this movie. Everyone needs to understand the true REAL nature of rock and roll, and how it's not about being a big rock star, and a guitar god, and that corporate BS that's been shoveled down our throats for the longest time.
Sure, I love to hear Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd and the 'big names' of big rock, but we must never forget the Stooges and the NY Dolls and Lou Reed, and those who HAD to play rock and roll, because their lives were just too bizarre not to.
Long live the Ramones!
I really really loved these guys. I can't believe three of them are dead.
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We'll Not See Their Like Again..
Krustallos23 January 2005
Warning: SpoilersEndCentury
A formally straightforward documentary about Da Brudders, this was really interesting, if sad - three of the band (plus interviewee Joe Strummer) are now dead after all (and the fourth appears to have morphed into an extra from 'Lord of the Rings'). I don't know if the film managed to capture the reason the Ramones were so great - there was very little about the music, more about the interpersonal relationships in the band - but for those who are already devotees the film is unmissable.
Interesting that the filmmakers, and apparently the band themselves, considered their career a failure. I always regarded the Ramones as an overwhelming success - they changed music, made great records for 21 years and were one of the best live acts in the world.
I always felt that Joey was the Ramone I would have liked most as a person and that was borne out here - while Johnny was a right-wing control freak, Joey was a radical liberal and a romantic. Finding out he was Jewish puts a bit more of a spin on 'Bonzo Goes to Bitburg' (his song about Reagan visiting an SS veterans' cemetery). And finding out Johnny 'stole' and then married the love of Joey's life puts a lot more spin on 'The KKK took my Baby Away'.
I also had no idea Joey suffered from full-blown Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Danny Fields' description of trying to get him down the stairs and into the tour bus was one of the comic highlights in a film with plenty of laughs. Much of the humour revolved around Dee Dee it has to be said, for example his attempt to become a rap artist, the account of his relationship with his girlfriend, and just listening to him talk.
It would have been good to see more concert footage - particularly a barnstorming stadium gig in Brazil and the New Year 1977/8 gig at the London Rainbow which I was at and remember very fondly. Hopefully this will become available elsewhere in some form.
Perhaps the saddest part of the film was confirmation of how much the band hated each other, particularly Johnny and Joey ('Joey could really hold a grudge' someone said, apropos of the Linda affair). Yet they knew they had something really special together and stuck at it for 21 years. It's hard enough working in an office with people you don't like..
Score - 8/10 for the film, 10/10 for the band. Shine on, guys..
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Classik Rock Doc!!!
KhingKOBRA13 October 2004
I just returned from a screening of this film and what can I say other than WOW!!! As a life long fan of The Ramones I was very happy to see that this film was going to be playing as part of a annual documentary film festival not far from where I live.. To see The Ramones in all their glory and up on the big screen no less was quite a thrill.. I could ramble on about the content of the film but hell The Ramones tell their story so much better than I ever could so all I will say is that if you consider yourself a music fan than you quite simply MUST see this film.. As a side note Michael Gramaglia, one of the directors of the film, was present along with his brother (who helped edit the film) at the screening and participated in a Q & A after the film and I am very happy to pass on that he mentioned that he had just inked a deal with Warner Bros. that should get a DVD of the film in the stores around next February or March which will include a bunch of extras including a lot more that Dee Dee had to say as well as Joe Strummer's interview in it's entirety.. Also Michael hinted that he may be returning to similar subject matter soon for his next project.. Yep you heard it here first.. Warner Bros has approached Michael and his brother about possibly doing a doc about CBGB's.. He said nothing is definite but let's all keep our fingers and toes crossed in hope that everything comes together for another classik film!!!
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Almost as good second time around and still exciting
conannz25 July 2004
In Auckland in the 70's we saw/heard much more from the Sex Pistols and Clash although everyone knew about NY Dolls and Ramones. The documentary was great in covering some of the gaps and in that the surviving members got to comment on their own memories or lack of them.
In an early tour to England the Ramones met the Clash and Pistols whom they helped through a back window. It was energising to think that many of the personal connections through a relatively small groups of bands reasonated so widely and so far. It was also of interest to realize that Ramones for all their fame never really cracked it and that is partly what makes them so interesting now.
It was great to relive some of the magic moments and also a bit sad to catch up on more recent events. I wasn't a huge fan but I do remember the day Joey died. I also enjoyed learning about the image making and the constructed views including those awful bowl haircuts. Johnnys role as brand director and developer was a revelation.
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The Day Punk Was Born
uuberdave28 July 2007
'End of the Century' is the best band documentary ever released. Interviewing over 200 famous rock stars from around the world, this DVD will not disappoint any Punk fan. I was interested in it from the start till finish. It never got boring and by the end of it my brain was filled with info I that i never even knew about before. It was a film 6 years in the making but well worth the wait. The DVD includes hidden easter eggs such as live shows and behind the scenes footage. There is a huge selection of bonus features including extra interviews, trailer, marky ramone excerpts and loads more. If your just looking for a nice easy ramones songs and live shows then 'Ramones Raw' maybe more ideal than this. Despite the language and drug use, this film takes you away from the action movies and romances and embraces you in the old rock n roll.
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Could have been better
smcqueen7524 August 2004
While some of the interviews with the principals are interesting,
the film in general is sloppy and superficial. If you already know a
decent amount about the Ramones, you won't learn much new
here. The chronology of events is presented in a confusing way at
times, and details are left too vague. No one actually analyzes
what constitutes the Ramones musical style. And when interviewees continually state that the band didn't sell many
records, we're left to wonder 'How many is not many?' Very little
insight is given into the lives of the band members outside of the
recording, gigging and touring. For example, what exactly has
Tommy been doing for the last 25+ years? There's enough
inherent interest in the material, but with a little more work, the film
could've been a lot better.
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Great documentary
grantss26 May 2018
A documentary on the Ramones, a seminal band in rock music, especially punk.
A great documentary about one of rock music's most influential bands. Well told, researched and structured and fairly objective. Contains interviews with all the band members, and supporting cast, as well as bands influenced by the Ramones, eg the Clash, Red Hot Chilli Peppers. Also contains what must be pretty rare live footage.
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Makes Metallica in 'Some Kind of Monster' look like The Brady Bunch
andrewbunney4 June 2017
This is the story of the Ramones, the New York band whose mission was to keep Rock'n'Roll music alive as it seemed destined to drown in the corporatised mire of seventies prog, schmaltz and disco. Because of the rare archival live music and its unflinching expose of the personal foibles of the members of the group, this Slamdance Film Festival winner was almost not released. It's a portrait of an American band that makes Metallica in 'Some Kind of Monster' look like The Brady Bunch in comparison. Debbie Harry and Joe Strummer are among the many interviewees and contributors to this fast-moving collation from a vast array of fascinating material.
At first, the film makers take us up-close and intimate with the almost fifty year-olds Joey, Dee Dee and Johnny Ramone shortly before their recent deaths. They help flesh-out a story that started in 1974 when four misfits emerged from a New York basement to play their songs. Critics labelled it 'punk' music, a put-down either likening it to atonal, minimalist sonic art, or suggesting they looked like male prostitutes. But Ramones music was new. It was highly-disciplined, thunderous, multi-chord pop with a lineage from Buddy Holly, through 60s girl-groups and the British Invasion that led to the now-famous Bowery club, CBGBs. 'Country, Bluegrass and Blues' it wasn't. The film's title refers to the song Do You Remember Rock'n'Roll Radio? from the album the Ramones recorded with legendary writer and producer, Phil Spector.
With '1-2-3-4' count-offs, 'Hey ho!' chants and nursery-rhyme melodies, their stripped-back, high-energy songs were first embraced in the UK and Europe. By 1977 Punk was both the folk music of the western world and a new anti-authoritarian bohemian movement. Among the anthems contributed by the Ramones were Blitzkrieg Bop, Sheena is a Punk Rocker, Rock'n'Roll High School and I Wanna Be Sedated.
The film plots the growth in esteem for the band, with them ultimately inducted into the Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame, and securing the NY streetname, 'Joey Ramone Place'. The band retired in 1996 after 2, 263 shows in 22 years of global touring, but still continue to gather new generations of disciples. Brains trust and founding drummer, Tommy Ramone, best understands the dynamics of creativity, performance and discipline that drove the faux 'brudders' on, but subsequent stickmen (the irrepressible Marky, be-suited Ritchie and bemused Clem 'Elvis Ramone' Burke of Blondie, all offer tales of life in the group, too.
The Ramones may have spawned a legion of adoring fans but it was far from a happy family for them on the road. What were the pressures in the van that made Tommy quit at the band's zenith, and led proto-punk bassist Dee Dee to think he was a black rap artist? Why did singer Joey want planes to turn around and repeat their take-offs for him? How come guitarist Johnny didn't speak to Joey for 15 years, all the while making albums together and touring in the same van?
Michael Gramaglia and Jim Fields have produced a sensational, sometimes poignant and often funny account of one of the most exquisitely strange stories from pop's incredible history. Fans will be shocked but enlightened while everyone will be intrigued by the level of dysfunction in the group. Exhilarating in its frankness, this film testifies to the Ramones' ingenuity, perseverance and commitment to their fans. Driven, as the band was, by addiction to the thrill of performing their joyous Rock'n'Roll music live, this unavoidably entertaining film rocks. Hey ho, let's go!
Andrew Bunney Three D Radio Adelaide Australia

End Of The Century 2003 Torrent Free

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Story of One of the All-Time Greats!
anaconda-4065829 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
End of the Century: Story of the Ramones (2003): Dir: Jim Fields, Michael Gramaglia / Featuring: Joey Ramone, Johnny Ramone, Dee Dee Ramone, Marky Ramone, C.J. Ramone: Effective and often humorous look at the rise and fall of a major influential punk band. Documentary chronicles the band from their questionable beginning, where they were mainly misunderstood, to the death of key members of the band. Directors Jim Fields and Michael Gramaglia establish the group within interview clips and concert footage, difficulties among band members as well as the horrors of fame. Joey Ramone passed away in 2001by cancer but thankfully the filmmakers give us great insight into his shy nature as well as archive interview footage. Dee Dee Ramone died shortly thereafter of a heroine overdose and his interview segments are the most interesting due to his exaggerated methods of expressing himself. Johnny Ramone reflects upon disagreements he had with Joey. It also showcases the impact of other punk bands such as the Sex Pistols. It also features brief footage from Rock N' Roll High School for which they played themselves. We are also given some great concert footage featuring some of their classic funky songs with strange lyrics. Dedicated fans will definitely appreciate this film where the Ramones are given their voice through this amusing documentary. Score: 10 / 10
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Inspiring Look At The World's Most Primitive Rock and Roll Band
Dan1863Sickles7 April 2014
I was never much of a punk rock fan, even though I was a teenager in the Seventies. I was more into the nostalgic sounds of the Fifties and Sixties. The darkness and the violence of Punk sometimes scared me.
But somehow the Ramones were different. They were funny instead of threatening, even when they were singing about destroying their brains with glue and DDT. When I heard 'I Wanna Be Sedated' for the first time it sounded just as innocent and exhilarating as 'Summertime Blues' by Eddie Cochrane. And yet underneath was the same volatile mixture of boredom, frustration and rage.
When I saw this DVD at the library, I didn't expect much from it, just some good performance clips and songs. But I was amazed at how detailed and informative it was. The interviews -- especially with Johnny and Tommy Ramone -- were incredibly insightful. And the sections on Joey and Dee Dee were really poignant. In the end this band and the men behind the music were much more complicated than I realized.
And more inspiring!
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Ramones End Of The Century

believing miracles 'cause I'm one
RainDogJr29 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It was in 2005 when I got the first Ramones album. I was a thirteen-year-old kid who wanted to check out each and every rock n' roll record that was considered nothing less than a must. And 'Ramones' didn't disappointed me in that regard; I loved it immediately, and tunes like 'Judy Is a Punk', 'Chain Saw', 'I Don't Wanna Go Down to the Basement', 'Havana Affair', hell pretty much the entire album (I got the CD with bonus tracks) became my daily soundtrack. It's a superb, masterpiece of a record.
And I remember finding that the Ramones catalog on CD at my local store was quite expensive, but I still bought their fourth record 'Road to Ruin'. I must confess that until this very day I have yet to perfectly know every song from that record; the same happens with the rest of their catalog, actually. Some tracks that are not from the debut album, like 'I Wanna Be Sedated', their cover of 'California Sun', 'Sheena Is a Punk Rocker' and, especially, 'I Believe in Miracles', rank among my favorite songs, tough. I can say I love the Ramones, but I'm still just a casual listener. Hell, I probably even listened first the Pearl Jam -live in New York 2003- version of 'I Believe in Miracles' than the original! However, and especially after watching END OF THE CENTURY, my interest to check more and more from them is back and greater than in 2005. And I'm playing a lot their songs on my new Telecaster! But that's certainly another story.
END OF THE CENTURY, the very first Ramones documentary I watch, is simply fascinating. As the lyrics of 'I Believe in Miracles', it captures all the essence of the Ramones. Like I said, as a young rock n' roll fan I entered in the world of these punk rockers from Queens, New York thanks to their huge legacy. You read great things in stuff like Rolling Stone, and you just want to hear by yourself why they are considered huge. END OF THE CENTURY shows that, but at the same time it shows how by the release of pretty much their very last record, the Ramones were still seeking for that big step to commercial success (for that *huge* album).
If anything, this is like the quintessential film about the so-called 'cult following' of a band; or about the lack of recognition (The Ramones suffered of that especially in the US). It is both actually, and that's definitely one of the interesting things of this band. They were the ones that created that fast and great 'you-don't-need-nothing-more-than-power-chords' thing that inspired and continues inspiring (and that changed everything – in words of producer Daniel Rey: 'it -the first Ramones record- instantly made half of our album collection obsolete'), yet by the year 1995 they were still playing small clubs in the US.
END OF THE CENTURY is a masterpiece mostly because it shows the band 'naked', without any defense. It is as fun as tragic and sad as glorious. There isn't any pretension (as one can expect from a band like this one). If the Ramones always wanted a hit album, we are told exactly that. Or if there were problems between the members thanks to, for instance, the decision of bringing Phil Spector to produce one of their records, we are told that too. Great interviews with the members and people like their manager show the band completely open; we learn everything, from the most personal and uncomfortable stuff, the good and not so good anecdotes, stories behind songs (the story of Dee Dee Ramone's '53rd & 3rd', for instance, is absolutely priceless) and stuff. When you have vocalist Joey's brother at the beginning of the film talking with humor about how his brother had a sort of transformation on stage like Jerry Lewis in THE NUTTY PROFESSOR (look out for hilarious physical similitude between Joey and Jerry!), you know you're into something that, like I said, will expose the band as they were (in the DVD box it appears what Johnny Ramone said: 'it's accurate. It left me disturbed').
On the other hand, we have that amazing cult following of the band. I was absolutely astonished watching the love and inspiration that they caused in the rock scene from England, just as I was watching what the Ramones really represent to their fans; some amazing footage from their trip to South America shows perfectly that ('in SA they were like the Beatles'). And we have people from completely different generations, like Joe Stummer (from The Clash) and John Frusciante (former guitarist of the Red Hot Chili Peppers), expressing the huge love that they have for the band from Queens, New York. There's an anecdote that Strummer tells that alone makes for me this an essential viewing for any music lover (and definitely one of the things I will always say in reference to this documentary). It's a very punk rock thing as Strummer says that once Johnny proudly said to him 'it's two minutes faster… our set. It's two minutes faster than it was last April'. You know, is very, very probable people who went to the show didn't notice that. But Strummer was like 'MY GOD!'… He knew what that *really* meant, certainly. I just adore this kind of material.
I guess the only liability (and is a very minor one) is that aside of a Motörhead t-shirt that Joey is wearing in some of his interviews, there's nothing from that great Ramones fan Lemmy f****** Kilmister (who did nothing less than writing a song called 'R.A.M.O.N.E.S.'). It would have been great having Kilmister, but this isn't even a damn complaint. This documentary is simply great!
*Watched it on January 22, 2012
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A Very Accurate Tale of The Ramones
jts040531 December 2008
Whenever I see a documentary on Punk Rock we always have to hear about the Sex Pistols and how they ushered in the Punk era of music. Well while I do enjoy the Sex Pistols' music and do think that their album was a very successful one, people need to realize that the real founders of this genre were four guys from New York in a band called The Ramones. Some may disagree with me, but if you watch this you will see how they began this style of music that was copied from them in the United Kingdom, where it found it's most success. Bands like The Clash and The Sex Pistols really made the genre a success in the United Kingdom as the Ramones were struggling to get over here in the states. They had been doing this music longer than these bands and this documentary gives that it's well deserved recognition. I think that no matter what direction The Ramones went in they were still one of the greatest bands of all. I really enjoy all of their music and happily own all of it. So if you are a Ramones fan or even a Punk Rock fan then check out this documentary.
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A fascinating look at the bizarre personalities that converged to make great music
MartinHafer17 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have liked the Ramones music for some time and I doubt if I would have watched the film in the first place if I hadn't. However, even if you aren't a fan of this super-important band, you may want to give it a look just so you'll get a chance to see how bizarre and dysfunctional the group was--despite their amazing ability to put out great music and strongly influence rock music. Now I always knew the Ramones were not normal--that's a given. But how much the group members disliked each other and how screwed up they all were made for fascinating viewing from a psychological standpoint.
Despite their label 'punk', this term was way too much of an oversimplification. Sure, some of their lyrics were very anti-social but the group didn't seriously encourage violence like later groups like The Sex Pistols. All that violence and anger came out more towards each other instead of towards the audience. How a far-right conservative and angry man like Johnny Ramone, a far-left liberal like Joey Ramone and a drugged out zombie like Dee Dee Ramone could STILL make great music together is the most fascinating aspect of this film.
Sadly, within four years, all three of these original members were dead--two from cancer (Joey and Johnny) and the last from a not unexpected heroin overdose. Johnny's death occurred just after this film was made while the other two are talked about at the end of the film.
By the way, the title of the film, 'End of the Century' is a line from the Ramones song 'Do You Remember Rock 'n Roll Radio?'.
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Excellent, compelling though sad documentary (with great music!)
santegeezhe22 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
As far as band documentaries go, this is one of the best I've ever seen, and I've watched quite a few. What we have here is an intimate portrait of the Ramones, warts-and-all. In my opinion the film's greatest strength is that we get to hear the story in the band's own words, as most of the film consists of interview footage with the various members of the Ramones, as well as various musical peers, managers, producers and other folks in the Ramones immediate orbit. There's also a goodly amount of live footage which spans their entire career. For any Ramones fan, this film is a must.
Sadly, it turns out that the Ramones story is most assuredly a tragedy rather than a comedy. Despite the humor inherent in much of their work, it becomes pretty clear that there's little humor to be found in any of their lives or personalities, with the possible exception of Joey and Marky. Dee Dee comes across as earnest and fairly pleasant, though thoroughly burned out and damaged, while Johnny proves to be an incredibly unpleasant, petty, vengeful and bitter fella. One gets the feeling that he has all the capacity for self-reflection of the average rock. In fact, I found myself cringing at some of the things coming out of his mouth.
In essence, this was a band built on personality conflicts, and in viewing this film one is left with the impression that they didn't have nearly as much fun being the Ramones as we did watching and listening to them. Moreover, their career proves to be a tragic litany of disappointments and failed attempts. Despite their rabid fan base and multi-generational, all pervasive influence, they never quite broke through to the big time or made any real money despite two decades of trying. Radio wouldn't play them and MTV wouldn't touch them, but despite this they were always able to fall back on their fierce live show. Sadly, after returning from playing 30,000 seat arenas in South America, they'd find themselves back in the States playing the same crappy clubs. It's enough to make a grown man cry.
All in all though, this is a well made and thoroughly compelling look at the Ramones, arguably the least successful yet most influential band of the modern age. Gabba Gabba Hey!!
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Gabba, Gabba, Hey!
Meganeguard17 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
In 1995 or so a group of friends and I decided that we wanted to form a band. Being the mid 1990s and all we were all into pop-punk bands such as Green Day, The Offspring, Rancid, etc and we strove at first to play music like these groups, however, being that only one of us could marginally play his instrument, we mainly turned up our amps as high as they would go and made as much noise as we possibly could. I was the bassist for the group, at the time I really had no great desire to play the bass but I was the last member of the group to choose an instrument, so I began to pay attention to various bass players' styles, including Mike Dirnt of Green Day, Matt Freeman of Rancid and Operation Ivy, Michael McKeegan of my favorite band Therapy?, and various other bass players. It was around that time that I heard The Ramones' 'Blitzkrieg Bop' for the first time. Entranced with the song, I went out that very day and bought one of The Ramones greatest hits albums and listened to blistering fast bass licks of Dee Dee Ramone. It was an amazing experience and although my personal bass playing style would follow the slower pace of Creedence Clearwater Revival's Stu Cook, The Ramones quickly became one of my favorite bands and I have constantly listened to their music for over the last decade.
The early years of the twenty-first century were hard times for Ramones fans. In 2001 Joey Ramone died after a long battle with lymphoma, In 2002 Dee Dee Ramone died from a heroin overdose, and in 2004 Johnny Ramone died from prostate cancer, leaving drummer Tommy Ramone as the only surviving original member. It might seem very cliché to write this, but The Ramones's musical influence is so permeated through rock, especially punk rock, music today that their legacy will definitely live on for decades to come.
Although I have been a fan of The Ramones for many years, I knew little about the history of the band, so, with that in mind, I was glad to come by this documentary at my local independent movie rental shop. Like most documentaries, this one begins with the early days of The Ramones when they all attended the same high school. At the time, rock music in the United States was pretty dead and most of the music released was by marketed pop groups. Joey, Johnny, Dee Dee, and Tommy, considered to be 'freaks' by their classmates, especially the 6' 8' socially awkward Joey, had no outlet for their frustrations. However, the New York Dolls soon came to the scene and revived rock music in New York. The four guys, one cannot say friends Joey and Johnny were never friends and Johnny had an open dislike for the bands singer throughout the band's twenty plus years, formed their own group and created a style of music that would consist of a rapid barrage of two minute songs that would be the polar opposite of such groups as Emerson, Lake, and Palmer, etc.
The documentary is quite strong giving a history of the Ramones during their early years, especially the 1970s and their involvement with CBGB's and their influence on the London punk rock scene, however, the second half of the film delves much more into the band's personal relationships with each other than the actual music that they created and several albums are not even mentioned. The documentary is good overall though and it is definitely a recommend watch for fans of the Ramones.

Joey Ramone

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Rock and roll radio.let's go!
Judy_is_a_punk123431 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Some brilliant interviews here and not just with the Ramones.A chance to hear from friends and family,an insight into their opinions of the goings-on between the members.It was great for me to see Mickey Leigh in particular as he is also a fantastic musician and a very friendly guy. I was surprised at how much I agreed with Johnny's opinion,he was very to the point and down to earth.The only thing that I would criticise about this documentary is that they do not mention anything about his death which I do think they could have added in before it got released. It's obvious in this film that without Johnny and his attitude,the band would have fallen apart in seconds.
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Poignant, but life affirming
chrisow6 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
With this documentary, the legendary band pretty much reveal all the battle scars they picked up after 22 years in studios and on the road. It can make for depressing viewing, especially as it's revealed that their relations were deeply fractured at the end of their careers.
Johnny Ramone has been the subject of controversy among fans. He DOES comes across as an unpleasant, controlling *%$£. However, it cannot be denied that he kept the Ramones going at their lowest ebb, and if it hadn't have been for him, they'd still be playing CBGB's for two dollars. His passage on Joey's passing, while it did make some sense, still came across as deeply mean spirited. Although we'll probably never know the full story of Johnny stealing Linda from Joey, I could deeply sympathise with Joey. Johnny didn't seem to care, which angered me.
At the same time, the film shows how it IS possible to form a band and become the trend setters. It just seems they never had as much fum being The Ramones, as much as I have loving The Ramones.

End Of The Century

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End Of Century French

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End Of The Century Roberson

Original title
End of the Century: The Story of the Ramones
Running time
110 min.
United States
Jim Fields, Michael Gramaglia
David Bowles,Jim Fields,John Gramaglia,Michael Gramaglia,Peter Hawkins,George Seminara
Chinagraph / Gugat Films / Kessel Brothers International
Documentary Music Documentary
Synopsis / Plot
In 1974, the New York City music scene was shocked into consciousness by the violently new and raw sound of a band of misfits from Queens, called The Ramones. Playing in a seedy Bowery bar to a small group of fellow struggling musicians, the band struck a chord of disharmony that rocked the foundation of the mid-'70s music scene. This quartet of unlikely rock stars traveled across the country and around the world connecting with the disenfranchised everywhere, while sparking a movement that would resonate with two generations of outcasts across the globe. Although the band never reached the top of the Billboard charts, it managed to endure by maintaining a rigorous touring schedule for 22 years
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