F 19 Stealth Fighter Game

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  1. F 19 Stealth Fighter Game Download

F-19 Stealth Fighter is a combat flight simulator developed and released in 1988 (DOS) and 1990 (Amiga and Atari ST) by MicroProse, featuring a fictional United States military aircraft. F-19 Stealth Fighter is a combat flight simulator developed and released in 1988 (PC DOS) and 1990 (Amiga and Atari ST) by MicroProse, featuring a fictional United States military aircraft. F-19 Stealth Fighter is a combat flight simulator featuring a fictional United States military aircraft. It was the 16-bit version of the 1987 game Project Stealth Fighter. F-19 Stealth Fighter was based around Sid Meier's closest estimate of the stealth fighter based on the data available at the time. You get full 3D graphics, 3D enemies, random objectives and enemy dispositions (so each mission will be different), dynamic radar effectiveness that depends on your position and radar cross section, enemies that. F-19 Stealth Fighter was a flight simulator featuring multiple types of jets, selectable weapon payloads, and a unique inter-mission rating scale that could see you either surrounded by friends or alone at a bar.

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  1. F-19 Stealth Fighter Review. Unfortunately, professional review of the F-19 Stealth Fighter game is not yet ready. This game is on the list and will be reviewed in the nearest feature.
  2. The aircraft. At the time of the game's release there was heavy speculation surrounding a missing aircraft in the United States Air Force's numbering system, the F-19.This game was based on an educated guess about what the new 'Stealth fighter' would be like.

F 19 Stealth Fighter Game Download

<p>F19 SIealth Fighler Computer Simulation MicroProse Software Ltd UnitL Hampton Road Industrial Estate, Tetbury, Gloucestershire.GL88LD All rights reserved. Copyright 1988by MicroProse Software, Inc. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by mimeograph or any other means without permission, with the exception ofquoting brief passages forthe purposes of reviews. Printing History Printing:987654321 IBMis aregistered trademark of International Business Machines Inc. Apple and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Commodore 64and Amiga are registered trademarks of Commodore Business Machines, Inc. Hercules is aregistered trademark of Hercules Computer Technology, Inc. Tandy is aregistered trademark of Tandy Corporation. Atari is aregistered trademark of Atari Corp F-19 Stealth Fighter Trademark, The Testors Corporation. 2 , , 4 5 7 11 11 19 25 25 31 31 33 34 34 38 39 43 45 49 56 56 61 64 69 69 74 78 78 81 89 89 91 CONTENTS The F-19 Stealth Fighter994:Briefings In trod uction99Rules of Engagement Quickstart100ONC Map Coordinates 101Missions I :Tutorial: Training in the Simulator101Air-to-Air Missions Your First Mission102Strike Missions The Second Mission106Libya 110The Persian Gulf 2 : Operating Instructions116The North Cape Preflight Briefing122Central Europe Simulation Controls Out ofPlane Views l ~ 5:Equipment Other Controls12Data Charts Aircraft Controls135Air-to-Air Armament Head-Up Display (HUD)135F-19 Weaponry Cockpit CRTs136Enemy Ordnance: Cannons Flight Controls136Enemy Ordnance: IR AAMs Weaponry138Enemy Ordnance: Radar AAMs Evasion &amp; Defense140Air-to-Ground Ordnance How to Fly140Guided Missiles How to Fight142Laser-Guided Bombs Firing Procedures143Retarded Bombs Stealth &amp; Defenses145Free-Fall Bombs Postflight Debriefing146Other Equipment 147Surface-to-Air Missile Systems 3: Techniques 8Tactics147Radar-Controlled SAMs Aerodynamics &amp; Flight152Short Range IR&amp; Visual SAMs Radar &amp; Stealth Tactics157Warplanes Air-to-Ground Tactics157Key to Aircraft Statistics Ground Attack Techniques158American-built Aircraft SAMs (Surface-to-Air Missile Systems)164Russian-built Aircraft Air-to-Air Tactics Attack Techniques171Appendix Air-to-Air Duels171Glossary 174Designers' Notes 181Credits 185Index F-19 Stealth Fighter Designer/Manufacturer:Lockheed,USA Role: Stealth strike fighter Crew: One WingSpan:31'8' Overall Length:59'0' Overall Height:13'2' MissionWeight at Takeoff:17tons Engine(s):TwoGeneralElectricF404-GE-IOOA turbofans(with no afterburners) for34,000 lbs thrust Range: 520miles Ceiling: 64.000' Maximum Speed in level flight at 0': 530 kts (Mach 0.8) MaximumSpeedinlevelflightat36,000':640kts (Machl.l) Armament: one M6lAI6-barrel 20mm cannon,four internalweapon bays withmaximum combined load of6,000lbs Air-to-AirRadarQuality:Noradar;mediumrange FLlRfN optical fire control system Maneuverability:Fair togood Created at the Lockheed 'Skunk Works' in Burbank, California,thisnovelaircraftsacrificesalmost everything to anearly invisible radar signature. The shape minimizesradar reflections.Alarge quantity ofRAM(Radar Absorbent Material) panels, wedges and coatings are located ontheventraland dorsal surfaces, including the wings. All leading edges are cased in heat-resistant ceramics for minimum infrared signature, while engineexhaustsare directed through low-signatureslats. The aircraft is designed for all-weather reconnais-sanceandstrikemissions,butcanuseitsinternal 20mmcannon,AIM-9Sidewinder,orAIM-120 AMRAAMmissilesforair-to-airinterceptionand combat. The latest version uses asophisticated zoom FLlRITVllasertargettrackingsystemthat allows the pilot to see aclose-up picture (either TV or thermal) of the target at all times,regardless of angle. Theaircraftisair-transportableinC-5AGalaxy transports, and canbe launched and recovered from USNavy aircraft carriers. 4 Introduction On amoonless night ahuge C-SAGalaxy transport plane touches down in Saudi Arabia and taxis to a distant hanger guarded by DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency)operatives. Alarge black objectisrolledfromtheGalaxy into the hangar.Underrednight-lightsthehydraulicwhineofunfoldingwingsis counterpointed by the hum offuel tanker trucks pumping aviation gas, while sweating ground crewmen hoist bombs and missiles into weapons bays. As the Galaxy rolls away, an Air Force pilot climbs into the black plane, puts on his helmet. and begins preflight checkout. Minutes later the distinctive whine of F404turbofans fillsthe hanger. Astrange, rounded shape noses out of the dark hangar doorway and onto arunway. Ahand pushes thethrottle tofull forward.With aroar the two big turbojets hurtle the craft airborne. Another Stealth Fighter mission has begun. Tomorrow the U.S.Navy is performing retaliatory strikes against Iranian-sponsored terrorism. The Iranian planes at the Shiraz airfield must be rendered harmless tonight! The dark waves of the Persian Gulf roll 200 feet below the wings. Off to the leftare the twinkling lights ofdueling Iraqi and Iranian artillery. Blue light bathes the cockpit: enemy radar is awake tonight. but the American fighter is returning asignal too weak forthe enemy radar to perceive. Twohundredmilesaway,30,000feetovertheSaudiArabiandesert.an American crewman sits at one of the 22consoles on aE-3C'Sentry' AWACS plane. The powerful AWACS radars and signals processors are monitoring the entire Persian Gulf and southern Iran areas. The crewman's fingers dance over the keyboard as he describes aircraft takeoffs, movements, and landings, as well as enemy radar and radio activity. Deep inside its massive computers, the AWACS encodes the message and transmits it in afast. tight burst. Dancing lights play across a HUD 200 feet above the water. As his computers decode the radio burst the lone Air Force pilot reads the incoming information. His cockpitCRTsautomatically update also. Hemakes minute adjustments and examines his consoles once more. Yes, very good. He's timed the adjusted flightpath so he'llpass behindthe enemy fighterpatrol.their nose radars looking away from him. Minuteslater,he accomplishesjustthat.then plungesintothedesolate mountain valleys of southern Iran. Mountain goats and sheep scamper across the desolate highlands as ablack roar passes overhead, twisting and turning to follow the valley floor. At last he passes out of the last mountain range. Then ayellow light blinks: they got agood radar return there! Will they alert their SAMs and interceptors? It's all academic as the fighter'snose rolls downward, aiming at the military airfield on the outskirts ofShiraz. The throttle goes to the wall and arolling sonic boom follows behind the 5 darkavenger.WarningsblinkasIranianradarssuddenlysee anintruder directly overhead. Sirens erupt. sleepy SAM crews leap to their radar consoles while fighter pilots tumble out of bed. Above, the pilot flips arming switches. TargetingsymbologyflashesuponhisHUDwhileunderneathbaydoors whine open. A weapons pylon extends into the night sky, astubby Maverick missile's FLIR sensor scanning until the pilot sees the distinctive heat signature of aHAWK battery controller. The missile's brain locks onto the image and its engine flares bright in the sky. Simultaneously below the battery commander launches his first HAWK surface-to-air missile at the intruder. The HAWK'scontrol-guidance beams cause new warnings in the cockpit. followed moments later by astrident klaxon. The missile is just seconds away. A cloud of aluminum chaff erupts behind the intruder. The HAWK attacks the cloud and explodes far behind the stealth fighter.Seconds later the slower-travelling Maverick hits the SAM controller's bunker, wrecking its radar and communications gear, disabling the entire battery. The black fighter rolls steeply, airbrakes out. The sonic boom roars ahead of it,crashing over the airfield likethe thunder ofthe gods. Fivehundred feet above the tarmac two Durandals drop from aweapons pylon, chutes springing freeat thetail ofeach.Thebombs nose downward,floatingin air over the runway. Then rocket motors explode and the bombs leap toward the ground, armored heads cutting through the thick concrete. Three feet down the warheads explode, hurling slabs of concrete in all directions. The American pilotloops around and dives over therunway again. Two huge craters sit squarely in the middle, while nearby anumber of carelessly parked jets are crumpled under pieces of concrete. A major unit of the Iranian air forceis now grounded, unable to flyuntil lengthy repairs are made. In a single blow over forty enemy aircraft have been rendered harmless. The black plane roars away into the mountains at 200', closing his bay and switching off jammers. Tothe military search radars all around, watching in helpless fury,the intruder seems to disappear. Interceptors vectoring in from otherbasesblocktheairwaveswithconfusedchatter.TheAmericanpilot smiles and throttles back for the slow cruise home, another F -19 Stealth Fighter mission accomplished. 6 Quickstart You have three options when learning to fly your F-19 Stealth Fighter. Try 8r:See Method: You can just dive in and try things out, referring to this manual and the Technical Insert as necessary. In this case we strongly suggest that you (a ) use the keyboard overlay, and (b) glance over' Aircraft Controls' in Part II (pages 34-48) to familiarize yourself with the HUD and cockpi t. As you fl y, you'll find Part IIin general to be an excellent reference aid. Be warned, the F-19is acomplex aircraft. Sooner or later you'll have to look at the manual. Tutorial Method: You can use the 'Quickstart' method described below for your first flight. or you can work through the more detailed tutorial on pages 11through 23. If you like to be guided through asituation, we suggest thefull tutorial. Note that the tu torial urges that you at least skim through Part II (pages 34-48) Study Method: You can study the actual controls and operating instructions for the craft, then attempt to flyit. This is what real pilots do (or should do).In this case, read all of Part II(pages 34-48) before flying, and refer back to the section as necessary. You can use the tutorial on your first fl ight, or skip it. as you prefer. However, we suggest apractice mission as your first flight. Abbreviated Tutorial 1. Install the game as suggested onto floppy disks or hard disk (if you haveSetup &amp;Preflight Options one). See 'Installation' in the Technical Supplement for details. You can skip installation, but ifyou do none of your records can be saved. 2.LoadtheSimulation: see'LoadingInstructions'intheTechnical Supplement for details and specific commands. 3. Answer the Aircraft Identification Quiz: Check the back part of this manual ('Warplanes', pages 157-169) to see what aircraft is illustrated. If you give awrong answer, you are automatically sent fortraining. If you give the correct answer, you are given acomplete selection of all options. 4. Log onto the Pilot Roster: Following the instructions on the screen, erase one ofthe pilots on the roster and type your name. Enter the name by tapping the 'Return' or 'Enter' key. 5. Accept the Current Mission: As anew pilot. your first assignment is astandardtrainingmission.Wesuggestyouacceptthischallenge.The default options are: Libya region Conventional War situation Strike Training as your mission Green Opponents No Crash flight realism 7 6.IntelligenceBriefing:Besuretohighlightandreadbothofthe following options: Mission Targets Flight Plan These describe your objectives, takeoff and landing points, and the Rules of Engagement (what you should and shouldn't destroy).See page 29 for amore detaileddescriptionoftheIntelligenceBriefingscreen,itsoptions,and information. 7. Arming Complete: Use the default armament, so select the 'Arming Complete' option on this screen. 8. Begin Mission: Select this option to start your training mission. Flying the MissionIf you selected the starting options described above, you're flying atraining mission. This is just right for your first flight. since in training enemy weapons do no damage. On the first mission we recommend you concentrate mainly on flying,with abit ofsimple weapons use, and ignore all those enemy planes and missiles buzzing around. AQuick Checkout: Place and examine the keyboard overlay. This device is an invaluable aid in flying your F-19. Find the Pause key command on the over lay. This command is al ways useful while learning. Skim through' Aircraft Controls', pages 34-48 of this manual. They describe the cockpit and HUD (head-up display). You'll need some familiarity with these before you fly. This first mission is exactly the mission described in the 'Tutorial' (pgs 11-23). You're invited to follow the step-by-step instructions of the tutorial. You are also invited to look at the Simulation Controls, especially the Out of Plane Views (see pgs 31-33).Experiment with these on your firstfew flights. You'll find the views quite interesting, and often quite useful. I.Takeoff: Power up the engines (tap the Max PWI key) and release the Brake (tap the Brake key) to fire the aircraft carrier catapult. Once your aircraft passes stall speed (stall speed bar drops below the center tickmark on the left-hand HUD gauge) you can pull up the nose. You must do this as you clear the carrier's deck, or else you'll fall into the sea. Tap the Gear key to retract your landing gear. See'HowtoFly'(page49)foramoredetaileddescriptionoftakeoff procedures. 2. Fly to Your Target: Turn on the autopilot (tap the Autopilot key) to get on course to your target. Every time you touch the control stick, the autopilot automatically turns off. Therefore, you can experiment abit with flight on the way to the target. then turn the autopilot on once more to get you back on course. You'll be using your AGM-65D Maverick missiles to attack the target. so you might want to read 'How to Fight', especially page 57, which describes how to operate this weapon. 8 Tap the Ordnance key to see which weapons are aboard your plane. Next findtheSelectOrdnancekeyandtapthat,rotatingthroughthevarious weapons until AGM-65D 'Maverick' is highlighted. You'll notice its name also appears in the lower left corner of the HUD. 3. Attack the Target: When you get close to the Libyan coast. switch the HUD to air-ground mode (tap the HUDModes key until the bottom-center label of the HUD is 'AIR-GROUND') and turn on your tracking camera (tap the Cam Ahead key). If your primary target. the Tripoli Depot, does not appear in the lower right cockpit CRT,tap the Select Target key until it does. Up on your HUD, you'll notice abox appears around an area of ground when the tracking camera finds the target. As you get closer, the box changes to a circleandtheCRTscreenshowsthewords'MissileLock'.YourMaverick missile is now locked on and ready to fire. To fire, first open the weapons bay (tap the Bay Doors key), then tap the Fire Ordnancekeytorelease your Maverick missile. Itwillfindits own path..</p>