Hubbard Vector Calculus Djvulibre

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Hubbard Vector Calculus Solution Manual (optional) Lial, Greenwell, and Ritchey, Student Solutions Manual for Finite Hubbard and Hubbard, Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra and Differential Forms: A. 淘豆网网友bolee65近日为 您收集整理了关于Hubbard-Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential Forms-A Unified Approach Solution manual的文档,希望. Vector calculus linear algebra and differential forms a unified approach Details Category: Mathematics Vector calculus linear algebra and differential forms a unified approach Material Type Book Language English Title Vector calculus linear algebra and differential forms a unified approach Author(S) John Hamal Hubbard (Author) Barbara. Ful lls the vector calculus requirement for the math major. The textbook for the course is Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Di erential Forms, by Hubbard and Hubbard (4th edition). We will cover the contents of Chapters 1, 2, 4, and 6. Homework: Homework sets will be distributed each Friday and collected the following Wednesday. John Hamal Hubbard, Barbara Burke Hubbard. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall; Toronto: Pearson Education Canada, c2002. We are aware that students taking courses in other fields need to master the language of vector calculus, and we devote three sections of Chapter 6 to integrating the standard vector.

  1. Vector Calculus Identities
  2. Hubbard And Hubbard Vector Calculus
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United States: Charlotte (Nc) Nagaoka, Japan; Cachoeiro De Itapemirim, Brazil; Bissau, Guinea-Bissau; Czestochowa, Poland. Geometry of vectors. Define a vector to be a directed line segment beginning at the origin, i.e, a line segment with specified magnitude and direction, and initial point at the origin. Vectors are usually denoted by boldface such as a or ~a. We associate with each vector a with each point (a1,a2,a3) where a terminates. DjVuLibre or helpful merchants. ProteusDS surfaces an threatening Spring t Calculus been to learn different--read textVolume of a heroic coverage of easy, well.

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This text covers most of the standard topics in multivariate calculus and a substantial part of a standard first course in linear algebra. Appendix material on harder proofs and programs allows the book to be used as a text for a course in analysis. The organization and selection of material present
Published September 7th 2001 by Prentice Hall (first published 1998)
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Vector Calculus Identities

May 12, 2011Ronald Lett rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Recommends it for: Motivated high school students, all undergraduates.
An excellent companion to Spivak's 'Calculus on Manifolds', this text engagingly bridges the gap between the Gibbs formulation of vector calculus and the modern Cartan formulation using differential forms so that one can properly study differential geometry. Gives many excellent exercises and examples of curious behavior. It is also exceptionally reader-friendly; the authors sprinkle historical anecdotes and modern applications throughout the text and have a voice that is very down-to-earth.
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Jan 20, 2015
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Hubbard And Hubbard Vector Calculus

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Active1 year, 5 months ago

I have a question about the solution to part (a) of exercise A12.5 of Hubbards' Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential Forms.Here is the exercise:

Let $f $ be the function $f begin{pmatrix} x y end{pmatrix}=sgn(y) sqrt{ frac {-x+sqrt{x^2+y^2}}{2}} $ where $sgn(y)$ is the sign of y (i.e., $+1$ when $y>0$ , $0$ when $y=0$ ,$-1$ when $y<0$ )

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a. show that $f$ is continuously differentiable on the complement of the half line $y=0, xle 0$.

I've included part of the solution on the student solution manual to this exercise below:

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To show that $f$ is continuously differentiable on the locus where $y=0,x>0$:

In a neighborhood of a point $begin{pmatrix} x_0 y_0 end{pmatrix}$satisfying $x_0>0 $ , $y_0=0$ , we can write
$-x+sqrt{x^2+y^2}=-x+xsqrt{1+frac{y^2}{x^2}}= -x+x(1+frac{1}{2}frac{y^2}{x^2}+o(frac{y^2}{x^2}))$
$ =frac{y^2}{2x}+o(frac{y^2}{x})$,
and since $sgn(y)y^2$ is of class $C^1$, the function is of class $C^1$ on the half axis $y=0, x> 0$.

I don't understand the bold part of the solution. Could you explain why the fact that $sgn(y)y^2$ is of class $C^1$ means that the function $f$ is continuously differentiable on the half-axis $y=0, x>0$ ?

(The book uses the following definition for little $o$ notation: a function $f$ is in $o(h)$ if $lim limits_{x to 0}frac{f(x)}{h(x)}=0.$)


2 Answers


In order to better understand what's going on here introduce polar coordinates for the moment. Then$$x=rcosphi,qquadsqrt{x^2+y^2}=r$$and therefore$${1over2}bigl(sqrt{x^2+y^2}-xbigr)=r{1-cosphiover2}=rsin^2{phiover2} .$$It follows that$$sqrt{{1over2}bigl(sqrt{x^2+y^2}-xbigr)}=sqrt{r}left sin{phiover2}right .$$As $ {rm sgn}bigl(sin{phiover2}bigr)={rm sgn}(y)$ we therefore obtain$$f(x,y)=sqrt{r}sin{phiover2}={root 4of {x^2+y^2}} sin{{rm Arg}(x,y)over2} .$$As$$nabla{rm Arg}(x,y)=left({-yover x^2+y^2},{xover x^2+y^2}right)$$the function $f$ is even real analytic in the indicated domain.

Christian BlatterChristian Blatter
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Definitely strange. In fact, $f_y(x_0,y_0)$ does not exists for $x_0 > 0$, $y_0 = 0$:

First, ignore the irrelevant 2 and consider $$f(x,y) = hbox{sgn}(y)sqrt{sqrt{x^2+y^2} - x}.$$$$lim_{yto 0}frac{sqrt{sqrt{x_0^2+y^2} - x_0} - 0}{y - 0} = lim_{yto 0}sqrt{frac1{2x_0} + frac{o(y^2/x_0)}{y^2}} = frac1{sqrt{2x_0}},$$so the lateral limits of$$lim_{yto 0}frac{hbox{sgn}(y)sqrt{sqrt{x_0^2+y^2} - x_0} - 0}{y - 0}$$are different.Using$$sqrt{x_0^2+y^2} - x_0 =frac{(sqrt{x_0^2+y^2} - x_0)(sqrt{x_0^2+y^2} + x_0)}{sqrt{x_0^2+y^2} + x_0} =frac{y^2}{sqrt{x_0^2+y^2} + x_0}$$gives the same result.

Martín-Blas Pérez PinillaMartín-Blas Pérez Pinilla
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