Steam Client Must Be Running To Play This Game Motogp

Posted on by admin
  • You must be guaranteed to receive your game. Off-site giveaways must be for Steam games only. Posting games that are always free is not allowed. There can be no chance involved in receiving your game. Draw/entry-based giveaways, competitions and raffles are not allowed.
  • Wait until the process is complete, then restart the Steam client. Open the game and see if the issue has been resolved. If you’re still seeing the “Steam must be running to play this game” error, move down to the next method below. Method 5: Logging out & launching the game from admin Steam.

Hello, i bought b03 a year and a half ago and i then switched to my new pc. I installed it on steam but when i launched it,it says fatal error steam must be running. I tried to delete client blob registry and nothing happened i tried reinstalling it 3 times nothing happens i even reinstalled steam, i also tried to exclude it from firewall norton,i tried to run as an administartor and it didnt work,i tried to verify its cache and nope,im all out of ideas i really need help on this i mean i playe 2 995 hours on this game and im level 425.i want to play it again because its fun pls help.

Steam Client Must Be Running To Play This Game

Steam Client Must Be Running To Play This Game Motogp

Steam Client Must Be Running To Play This Game Motogp 2017

10 years ago :: Dec 13, 2009 - 12:31PM#1

I get the error code 1200 saying steam must be running to play lost planet. Steam is running. Ive tried restarting steam and the computer to no avail. Steam is fully updated as well as lost planet. Im running 64 bit version of windows 7. I just finished downloading the update from steam over night for lost planet. please help

10 years ago :: Dec 14, 2009 - 3:15AM#2

I just started getting the same error after upgrading my MB. All other games work. Some of them I had to re-enter the key, but Lost Planet gets the same error you are getting. I tried renaming the ClientRegistry.blob file then restarting Steam to force creation of a new file but that didn't help. It's not a network problem either. The game needs to be re-installed I think, but I'm not sure how to go about that on Steam. I've had this game since it first came out. By the way, I'm using Windows XP so I don't think it's strictly a Windows 7 problem.

10 years ago :: Dec 14, 2009 - 10:59AM#3

I too am having the same problem. This is happening on my win 7 x64, vista x64, and xp machines. Oh and I have the disc not steam dl. I sent a support request to Capcom and have not heard a single thing from them. I am really dissapointed in this company.

10 years ago :: Dec 15, 2009 - 3:33PM#4

I have the same problems as everyone else. I have the disk and everything but I don't know whats wrong. Maybe error number (1200) is a source code thing where the error is? Hope it gets fixed soon cause I'm pissed I put out the money for it to not work

10 years ago :: Dec 16, 2009 - 10:10AM#5

I just got a reply from Capcom tech support stating they are 'currently' working with Steam to resolve the issue. Ezdrummer. I only hope this is resolved quickly as there seems to be tons of people with this issue.

10 years ago :: Dec 16, 2009 - 2:09PM#6

I'm having same trouble and just got a email responce from Steam,

10 years ago :: Dec 17, 2009 - 11:31AM#7

Can't view your ticket Bobby but would love to know what Steam is doing.

10 years ago :: Dec 19, 2009 - 8:00PM#8

Ya this game has been a hack job since it started..horrible port from xbox.. im seriously thinking of asking for a refund since I havnt been able to play online with out hacking up my router, and now i cant play period sicne the updates..If i had known this game was going to be thins big of a PITA i would have never purchased it.

10 years ago :: Dec 20, 2009 - 8:34AM#9



There's a new Steam Beta client available. To access the Beta, go to File -> Settings, and on the Account tab will be a drop down. Select Steam Client Candidate, and then allow Steam to restart itself. This has worked for me

10 years ago :: Dec 22, 2009 - 8:08PM#10