Vb Program For Gsm Modem

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Active4 years, 8 months ago
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how to find gsm modem com port using vb.net? i writing this code :

but in this code :

Connect and install your GSM modem or phone to your PC. If you don't have a compatible GSM modem/phone, then you can use SMSLibX in simulation mode. Integrating SMSLibX on VB6. Open an existent Visual Basic project or create a new one. Set up a reference to SMSLibX library (Project > References menu). Sending And Receiving SMS From GSM modem. Browse other questions tagged vb.net serial-port gsm modem or ask your own. To cooperate with a registration program? Vb Gsm Modem Sms in title. SMS Gateway Java Developer Tools - Components & Libraries, Freeware. SMS Gateway Java was designed as a library that can be used to send SMS messages with the help of a GSM modem. SMS Enabler is a powerful SMS gateway program capable of receiving thousands of incoming SMS messages to an e-mail box.

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i need to know which com port that my modem gsm was connected, so i need code that can automatically find com port, can someone help me please?

thank you very much.
nb : i use visual basic 2012 (vb.net)

Yohanes AI
Vb Program For Gsm ModemYohanes AIYohanes AI
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4g Gsm Modem

3 Answers

Vb Program For Autism

like others said, you will have to loop all ports and check whether you can connect use Rate/port to connect to the GSM modem. Here is a library, it is c#, but you can download the source code to see how it works.

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Vb Program For Excel

The only way to do this automatically without having to either select the COM port in your program interface or hard code the port number is to attempt to open all available COM ports, and send each one some kind of status command and listen (with a short timeout period) for a reply that only the GSM modem would return. Of course, this means you may send weird commands to other serial devices, if any, that are attached to the computer, but I'm guessing in your case it will be the only serial port with anything attached.

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See here for the function to get the list of serial port names on the current computer.

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Here's the Code to Find Attached modems and their Attributes in vb.net.

You need to add reference to the System.management assembly and also import the namespace system.management.

akhil kumarakhil kumar

Vb Program For Calculator

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